Despite the ready availability with the passing of time of less torturous methods of hair removal, tweezers continue to be sold and used. In fact, new developments in tweezers are still being presented to consumers by beauty brands, be it for a firmer grip or a more modern appearance. Their continued popularity is due to the portability of the small contraption. Herein lies proof that it's possible for old-fashioned innovations to survive the onslaught of technology
Although tweezers are convenient to have in the house or in your purse for a variety of purposes, in terms of beauty, they are used primarily for plucking the eyebrows. However, unsightly hair on other parts of the body can also be removed using tweezers. A woman may choose to eliminate, for instance, a lone coarse hair that pops out on her chin or above her upper lip. Objects that are too minute for human fingers to grasp can be plucked out as well. One common example of this is a splinter. Around the home, tweezers may be used for projects that may be too delicate to spoil with fingerprints, such as stamp collecting.
The tweezers utilized in contemporary times are inspired by tools and pincers used in bygone eras for such matters as crafts and cooking. Art work from ancient times depicts cave dwellers and pre-dynastic Egyptians using tweezer-like apparatuses. Similar artifacts that have been discovered from Mesopotamia and India date back to 3000 BC. Attempts have been made to make tweezers over, like the time electric tweezers were introduced into the market to supposedly remove hair permanently, but the most lasting type of tweezers remain the ones that resemble miniature tongs and require nothing but the fingers of the user to operate them.
Having a pair of tweezers handy guarantees that you will be able to adjust the shape of your brows when it is most convenient. Even if you do not regularly set aside the time to maintain your eyebrows, if you find yourself unexpectedly with some downtime on a day that would have been typically busy, you can always head off to the privacy of your car or the ladies room. Tweezing the strays from beneath and in between your brow line brightens up not only your eye area, but the rest of your face as well.
If you find tweezing painful, but would still like to keep your brows looking fresh and clean, experiment with anesthetizing the areas where you tweeze. Dabbing witch hazel on your browbones might help. Some have even chosen to stop tweezing altogether to avoid giving the skin more of a reason to sag with old age, opting instead for methods such as waxing, threading and sugaring. Still, you might find it convenient to continue toting a pair of tweezers in your pocketbook; you never know what emergencies--beauty or otherwise--might come up in the course of a given day.
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