Friday, March 4, 2011

Tips on Eyebrow Plucking

When to Pluck Eyebrows
Pluck your eyebrows when your pores are open. This is either after a shower or after you have applied a hot face cloth to your skin for a few minutes.
The best time to pluck your eyebrows are after you get out of the shower. The pores are still open and it doesn't sting quite as much.

Which Tweezer
Choose a tweezer with a fairly sharp, pointy head and make sure that it pinches closed tightly. Get a pair of tweezers that can firmly grip the hair and won't be slipping every time you start to pluck. Without a tight grip, the tweezer will never be very effective grabbing unwanted hair.
Thin Tip: Good for grasping small, fine hairs, and plucking ingrown hair.
Slanted Tip: Gives maximum control.
Square Tip: Best used for removing coarse hairs or several hairs at a time. 

How to Pluck Eyebrows with Tweezers
Many women pluck their eyebrows with tweezers. Some wax them, but wax is tricky because it’s hard to get an accurate shape. And some go to a hair removal salon to try "threading." Although threading is newly popular in the United States, it is a centuries-old technique of hair removal practiced in India. The eyebrow experts say never, never to pluck your eyebrows from above, but always to pluck from the bottom of the brow. I say, if you have some wild or stray or bushy hairs growing above your brows, feel free to pluck them. I did it once, and nothing bad happened to me.

Use Eyebrow Gel to keep brow Shape Neat
Finally, keeping your brows neat can be done with special eyebrow gel, or you can use a little hair gel to smooth them and keep them shapely.

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